On this page:
3.1 Systems
3.2 Sets
3.3.1 Key Features
3.3.2 Reputation
3.3.3 Pricing
3.3.4 Accepted Payment Methods
3.3.5 Inquire

3 Products🔗

I sell a variety of theatre-adjacent products on Roblox. All of my products besides TWINKET can be purchased in my Roblox product hub. For inquiries about TWINKET, please see TWINKET.

3.1 Systems🔗

3.2 Sets🔗

The following products are semi-comprehensive recreations of real-life theatrical sets.








Some Like It Hot


600 Robux




Base set and main drape.

To Kill a Mockingbird


899 Robux




Base set, main drape, and Atticus' house.

School of Rock


49 Robux




Classroom set and main drape.


TWINKET is the theatre community’s premiere in-game ticketing system. It makes ticketing easy for both companies and patrons, allowing companies to entirely automate ticketing, and allowing patrons to easily reserve a specific seat for a specific performance date.
This demonstration is slightly outdated and will be updated soon.A product demonstration of TWINKET is available here.

3.3.1 Key Features🔗
3.3.2 Reputation🔗

TWINKET has been used for several big-name Roblox productions. Most recently:
  • Wicked, DeLaMar Theatre Club

  • The Little Mermaid, DeLaMar Theatre Club

  • Hamilton, Encore Theatre Group

3.3.3 Pricing🔗

TWINKET is not open-source software; it is available for per-production licensing only.

When you license TWINKET for your production, you’ll pay a flat fee for the creation of your theatre’s ticketing portal. For each performance of the production you sell tickets for besides the first, you will be charged an additional small fee.

Pricing for TWINKET is unique to your theatre, and is determined based on a number of factors relating to that theatre; namely, its capacity, complexity, and curvature.

If you have used TWINKET before and are wanting to use it again in the same theatre, you are likely eligible for a discount. This is because a new seat map does not need to be created, which is the source of most of the labor when setting up TWINKET.

3.3.4 Accepted Payment Methods🔗

You can pay for TWINKET using either Robux or United States Dollars (USD).

Regarding Currency Conversions
The DevEx exchange rate for Robux is $350 per 100,000 robux, i.e., $0.0035 per 1 Robux. All Robux payment is done through T-shirt purchase, which Roblox keeps 30% of. Therefore, the USD equivalent of any Robux price is the Robux price times 0.00245. It is TWINKET’s policy to always round up to the nearest dollar, and to calculate conversions on a per-fee basis rather than for the total cost.

It should then be obvious that USD payment is highly preferable. In some cases, I may offer you a further In theory, USD prices are already discounted, since you do not have to cover Roblox’s 30% marketplace fee. USD-exclusive discount to incentivize USD payment, simply because the currency is more liquidatable.

3.3.5 Inquire🔗

If you are interested in licensing TWINKET for your production, message twinqle expressing your interest. Please include a picture of your venue, the amount of seats in your venue, and your anticipated performance dates. If you are missing more than one of those details, I probably won’t respond to you.